With the "World Bank indicators" dataset available at http://siret.ms.mff.cuni.cz/hoksza/courses/datavis carry out the following tasks and share the results using the Tableau Public server and send me the link by email. - Create a GDP per capita by country bar chart, color the bars based on the absolute GDP, and enable filtering based on year. The bar chart should have next to each bar the absolute value of GDP per capita. - To the previous chart add a reference line showing the average (can be created using the context menu of the axis of the given quantitative variable). - Copy the previous chart and create Region->Subregion->Country hierarchy and show drill down with the hierarchy. - Create scatterplot GDP per capita a % health expenditures per country. Reflect life expectancy (LE) by circle size (the smallest circle should be 70). Add the option to filter LE by 3 categories - LE < 50 (LOW), 50 <= LE < 75 (MEDIUM), LE > 75 (HIGH) (search for logical functions in Tableau Help). - 2 scatterplots next to each other (one sheet) - 1. GDP per capita vs LE; 2. % health expenditures vs LE. Color by region and add country labels. Change the symbols from crosses to stars. Let the Y axis start at 40 (axis context menu). - Create bubbles (Show Me) for each country where the bubble size reflects the number of internet users per 100 citizens. Color by continent. Add labels denoting a given country. - Treemap showing the ratio of countries' GDP on the global GDP. The labels should show names of the countries, sum of GDP (sum) a % from the global GDP (quick table calculation on a variable which is already in the graph). - Notice the decreasing USA's share of over the years. Create a sheet showing this information. - GDP per capita dashboard - line graph GDP per capita over the years split by regions (upper half) a map GDP per capita (size by GDP), URL action (clicking on a country shows either details or image for a given country).