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Data visualization - online



  1. slides, video
  2. slides, video
  3. slidesvideo
  4. slidesvideo
  5. slidesvideo
  7. slides, video
  8. slidesvideo
  9. slidesvideo
  10. slides, video



  • q&a&labs points
  • Assessment

    In order to be awarded an assessment, you have to:
    • Carry out at least three of the five home assignments.
    • Prepare and present your project.
  • Grade

    The final grade consists of two components:
    1. 90 points - Final test (either written or oral depending on the epidemiological situation)
    2. 10 points - Questions. After the recording of a lecture is made available, you will obtain a link (by email) to a questionary where you can ask questions or comment on the topics in the lecture. Each question/comment will be awarded half a point and you can get at most 1 point per questionary. The responses to your questions/comments will then be made available in a video released the next week.